ми і вирішили провести один з таких літніх днів на природі, між древами
в лісі, який як і Високий Замок знаходиться в Кайзервальді. Ліс досить
великий, з ярами. тому було де прогулятись.
In hot summer we wish for freshness, coolness. Pulls in the shade. where abundant greenery.
So we decided to spend one of those summer days in nature, between trees in the forest, which are located in the Kaiserwald. The woods are quite large, with ravines. so it was where to walk .
So we decided to spend one of those summer days in nature, between trees in the forest, which are located in the Kaiserwald. The woods are quite large, with ravines. so it was where to walk .
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What I Wore
H&M dress Marks&Spenser sandals Coral wood necklace from Ebay |
І новий сет від мене в Кантрі стилі:
На цьому все!
Усім чудового настрою!
Очень нежный образ!